A sample test run on my machine.
$ id ashwin
uid=1000(ashwin) gid=1000(ashwin) groups=1000(ashwin),118(admin)
$ id ganti
uid=1001(ganti) gid=1001(ganti) groups=1001(ganti),117(fuse)
$ ./test_caphash 1000@1001 randomstring
Capability successfully written to the /dev/caphash
$ ./test_capuse 1000@1001@randomstring &
[1] 22677
$ Capability successfully written to the /dev/capuse
The user id of the process is now changed to the target user specified. Please do a 'ps -aux | grep capuse' and verify.
$ ps aux | grep capuse
ganti 22677 0.0 0.0 1504 316 pts/4 S 09:53 0:00 ./test_capuse 1001@1000@randomstring
ashwin 22679 0.0 0.0 2884 764 pts/4 S+ 09:53 0:00 grep capuse
Note that the user name has changed to 'ganti'.