Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/escomma/Print.hs

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module Print where

import DC
import Circuit
import Numeric
import Maybe

-- TODO Clean up code below - Fernan

opPrint opdat = do putStrLn "\n title   : operating point \n" 
                   mapM putStrLn nodeLL 
                   mapM putStrLn vsrcLL 
                   putStrLn " ..\n end." 
                      where nodeLL = map nodeL [0..((length n) - 1 )]
                            vsrcLL | length (snd l) == 0 = [" "]  
                                   | otherwise 
                                       = map vsrcL [0..((length (snd l)) - 1)] 
                            nodeL i = showStr (" (" ++ show (n!!i) ++ ")") 10 
                                       ++ showFF 12 ((fst l)!!i) ++ "v"   
                            vsrcL i = showStr (" v(" ++ show (s!!i) ++ ")") 10 
                                       ++ showFF 12 ((snd l)!!i) ++ "a"    
                            l = splitAt (length n) (opvalue opdat)
                            n = tail (nNODE (opInfo opdat))
                            s = nSRC (opInfo opdat)

trPrint j trdat = do putStrLn "\n title   : transient analysis \n"
                     putStrLn $ " " ++ label
                     mapM putStrLn tdat
                     putStrLn "\n end."
                        where label = showStr "n" 8 ++ foldr1 (++) (map head j)
                              head i = (showStr (show ((n ++ s)!!i)) 10) 
                                         ++ "\t"     
                              tdat = map rr [0..(length (trvalue trdat)) - 1]
                              rr i = " " ++ showStr (show i) 8 
                                         ++ showStr ((foldr1 (++) (mm i))) 10   
                              mm h = map (ll h) j
                              ll z b = showFF 9 ((pp z)!!b) ++ "\t"
                              pp i = (trvalue trdat)!!i 
                              n = tail (nNODE (trInfo trdat))
                              s = nSRC (trInfo trdat) 
showFF n i | abs i > 1.0e9 = showEFloat (Just 3) i ""
           | otherwise = showFFloat (Just z) i ""
              where h = length (showFFloat (Just n) i "") 
                    z | h > n = n - (h - n)
                      | otherwise = n                       
showStr string n = string ++ pad
                   where pad = replicate (n - (length string)) ' '

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