Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/include/NHC/Binary.hi

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

interface NHC.Binary where {
infixl  9 <<;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Binary a,Binary b,Binary c) => Binary (a,b,c);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Binary Prelude.Char;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Binary a) => Binary (Prelude.Maybe a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Binary a,Binary b) => Binary (Prelude.Either a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Binary a) => Binary [a];

{-# NEED #-}
instance Binary ();

{-# NEED #-}
instance Binary Prelude.Bool;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Binary a,Binary b) => Binary (a,b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Binary BinPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Binary Prelude.Int;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num BinPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum BinIOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum BinPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord BinIOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord BinPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq BinIOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq BinPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show BinPtr;
interface ! NHC.Binary
{-# NEED (<<) #-}
(<<){-# 2 #-}::(((a -> b),c) -> ((c -> (a,d)) -> (b,d)));

{-# NEED putAt #-}
putAt{-# 3 #-}::(Binary a) => (BinHandle -> ((Bin a) -> (a -> (NHC.Internal.IO ()))));

{-# NEED getAt #-}
getAt{-# 2 #-}::(Binary a) => (BinHandle -> ((Bin a) -> (NHC.Internal.IO a)));

{-# NEED getFAt #-}
getFAt{-# 2 #-}::(Binary a) => (BinHandle -> ((Bin a) -> a));

{-# NEED copyBits #-}
copyBits{-# 5 #-}::(BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> (BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> (Prelude.Int -> (NHC.Internal.IO ()))))));

{-# NEED putBits #-}
putBits{-# 3 #-}::(BinHandle -> (Prelude.Int -> (Prelude.Int -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinPtr))));

{-# NEED getBits #-}
getBits{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> (Prelude.Int -> (NHC.Internal.IO Prelude.Int)));

{-# NEED clearBits #-}
clearBits{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> (Prelude.Int -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinPtr)));

{-# NEED skipBits #-}
skipBits{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> (Prelude.Int -> (NHC.Internal.IO ())));

{-# NEED copyBytes #-}
copyBytes{-# 3 #-}::(BinHandle -> (BinHandle -> (Prelude.Int -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinPtr))));

{-# NEED unsafeShiftBinPtr #-}
unsafeShiftBinPtr{-# 2 #-}::(Prelude.Int -> (BinPtr -> BinPtr));

{-# NEED sizeofBinPtr #-}
sizeofBinPtr{-# 0 #-}::Prelude.Int;

{-# NEED incBinPtr #-}
incBinPtr{-# 0 #-}::(BinPtr -> BinPtr);

{-# NEED binPtr2Int #-}
binPtr2Int{-# 1 #-}::(BinPtr -> Prelude.Int);

{-# NEED int2BinPtr #-}
int2BinPtr{-# 0 #-}::(Prelude.Int -> BinPtr);

{-# NEED copyBin #-}
copyBin{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> (BinLocation -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinHandle)));

{-# NEED equalsBin #-}
equalsBin{-# 5 #-}::(Prelude.Int -> (BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> (BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> Prelude.Bool)))));

{-# NEED alignBin #-}
alignBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO ()));

{-# NEED openBin #-}
openBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinLocation -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinHandle));

{-# NEED {BinLocation Memory File} #-}
data BinLocation
  = Memory 
  | File Prelude.FilePath BinIOMode;

{-# NEED tellBin #-}
tellBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinPtr));

{-# NEED seekBin #-}
seekBin{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> (NHC.Internal.IO ())));

{-# NEED freezeBin #-}
freezeBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO ()));

{-# NEED closeBin #-}
closeBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO ()));

{-# NEED compareBin #-}
compareBin{-# 6 #-}::(Prelude.Int -> (Prelude.Int -> (BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> (BinHandle -> (BinPtr -> Prelude.Ordering))))));

{-# NEED endBin #-}
endBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO BinPtr));

{-# NEED isEOFBin #-}
isEOFBin{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO Prelude.Bool));

{-# NEED stdmem #-}
stdmem{-# 0 #-}::BinHandle;

{-# NEED putAtEnd #-}
putAtEnd{-# 2 #-}::(Binary a) => (BinHandle -> (a -> (NHC.Internal.IO (Bin a))));

{-# NEED {Binary put get getF sizeOf} #-}
class Binary a where {
  put{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> (a -> (NHC.Internal.IO (Bin a))));
  get{-# 1 #-}::(BinHandle -> (NHC.Internal.IO a));
  getF{-# 2 #-}::(BinHandle -> ((Bin a) -> (a,(Bin b))));
  sizeOf{-# 1 #-}::(a -> Prelude.Int);

{-# NEED Bin #-}
type {-# 1 #-} Bin a = BinPtr;

{-# NEED {BinIOMode RO WO RW} #-}
data BinIOMode
  = RO 
  | WO 
  | RW ;

{-# NEED getBitsF #-}
getBitsF{-# 3 #-}::(BinHandle -> (Prelude.Int -> (BinPtr -> (Prelude.Int,BinPtr))));

{-# NEED BinPtr #-}
newtype {-#  #-} BinPtr;

{-# NEED BinHandle #-}
newtype {-#  #-} BinHandle;
interface NHC.Internal
{-# NEED IO #-}
newtype {-#  #-} IO;

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