{- A kernel fragment from a program written by
Ron Legere -- http://www.its.caltech.edu/~legere
Caltech Quantum Optics
It has the interesting property that Classic Hugs
runs it 20x faster than GHC!
Reason: runExperiment calls itself with identical parameters,
and Hugs commons that up for some reason.
(Even with that fixed, STG Hugs ran the program a lot
slower than Classic Hugs.)
So it seems like an interesting program. It appears here
in the form with the silly self-call, because that makes
it run a nice long time. It thrashes floating point
multiplication and lists.
module Main where
infixl 9 .*
infix 9 <*>
main = putStr (show (take 1000 test))
test :: StateStream
test = runExperiment testforce 0.02 [1.0] (State [1.0] [0.0])
testforce :: ForceLaw [Float]
testforce k [] = []
testforce k ( (State pos vel):atoms) = (-1.0) .* k * pos:
testforce k atoms
The test force: K is a list of spring
constants. (But here I am only doing one dimension for the purposes
of demonstrating the approach)
Module: Numerical classical atom (atom.lhs)
-- We will want types for the whole simulation (where we can configure
-- the dimensions, etc), for the results (a state stream), and the force laws.
data AtomState = State Position Velocity
type Position = [Float]
type Velocity = [Float]
type Force = [Float]
type StateStream = [AtomState]
I made AtomState a data type, just so I could play with them. I think
I would prefer to keep it just a synonym, because that would
be simpler!
Now we need a function to write out the results to a file in a nice format.
I think I would prefer a simple x y z /n x y z /n etc
NOTE that show AtomState only shows the position!
instance Show AtomState where
show (State pos vel) = concat [ (show component) ++ "\t" | component <- pos ]
showList states = showString (concat [(show state) ++ "\n" | state <- states])
Note that I used lists for the position and velocity to allow for
unknown number of dimensions. I suspect this will have to
be optimized into tuples at some point!
Ok, so how shall we define the ForceLaw type?
type ForceLaw a = a -> StateStream -> [Force]
The force law maps a stream of states to a stream of forces so that time
dependant forces can be used. The parametric type 'a' is to allow the force law
to depend on some parameter, for example (the common case!) a seed for a random number
generater, and/or the timestep, or the spring constant
runExperiment :: ForceLaw a -> Float -> a -> AtomState -> StateStream
In this form this program takes 1 min when compiled under ghc-4.05,
but takes 3 seconds under hugs....
runExperiment law dt param init = init : zipWith (propagate dt)
(law param stream)
where stream =
runExperiment law dt param init
-- In this form GHC is (as expected) much faster
runExperiment law dt param init = stream
stream = init : zipWith (propagate dt)
(law param stream)
runExperiment forces timestep param initialcondition :: [AtomState]
is an infinite stream of atom states. We can then use this to
generate necessary averages, temperatures, allen variences , or wtf
you want.
We could for example, start the random number generator with seed param, if
the type is int .
It is an error to have the initial
atom state not have the correct number of dimensions.
propagate :: Float -> Force -> AtomState -> AtomState
Ok, I see one problem with this, not general enough! Some better propagators
exist that can use previous atom states. Actually, by using previous atom states,
we will not even need to seperately track the velocities either. Oh well, for now
I will stick with that.
propagate dt aforce (State pos vel) = State newpos newvel
where newpos = pos + (dt .* vel)
newvel = vel + (dt .* aforce)
-- Note assumes mass =1
Numerical Lists
instance Num a => Num [a] where
negate (f:fs) = (negate f):(negate fs)
l + [] = l
[] + l = l
(f:fs) + (g:gs) = (f+g):fs+gs
_ * [] = []
[] * _ = []
(f:fs) * (g:gs) = (f*g):(gs*gs)
fromInteger c = fromInteger c : [0]
(.*):: Num a => a-> [a] -> [a]
c .* [] = []
c .* (f:fs) = c*f : c .* fs
(<*>):: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> a
f <*> g = sum (f*g)