Tree e is the type of binary trees with keys of type Key,
containing records (entities) of type e. The tree is
ordered, but not necessarily balanced.
import System
import Char(isSpace,isDigit,isAlpha)
data Tree e = Node Key (Tree e) (Tree e) | Leaf Key e | Empty deriving Show{-was:Text-}
type Key = Int
The Maybe type is used to distinguish success or failure.
--1.3 replaced: data Maybe a = Succ a | Fail
Interesting entities are 3-tuples of integers.
The joins of two such entities are 5-tuples of integers.
type Entity = (Int,Int,Int)
type Join = (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
insertT inserts a (key,entity) pair into a tree.
insertT :: Key -> entity -> Tree entity -> Tree entity
insertT k e (Node k' l r) | k <= k' = Node k' (insertT k e l) r
| otherwise = Node k' l (insertT k e r)
insertT k e l@(Leaf k' _) | k < k' = Node k l' l
| k > k' = Node k' l l'
| otherwise = error ("Key Value " ++ show k ++ " already exists")
where l' = Leaf k e
insertT k e Empty = Leaf k e
"lookupT" looks up the record (entity) whose key is specified,
in the tree argument. It returns Just e if the key value
exists, or Nothing otherwise.
lookupT :: Key -> Tree entity -> Maybe entity
lookupT k (Node k' l r) | k <= k' = lookupT k l
| otherwise = lookupT k r
lookupT k (Leaf k' e) | k == k' = Just e
| otherwise = Nothing
lookupT k Empty = Nothing
"forceTree" forces a tree to normal form.
forceTree :: Tree Join -> ()
forceTree (Node k l r) | k == k && forceTree l == () && forceTree r == () = ()
forceTree (Leaf k e) | k == k && e == e = ()
forceTree Empty = ()
"readTree" reads a tree of entities from a string. Each entity is
represented by 3 space-separated positive integers.
The keys are derived from the entities read in using the function "fk".
readTree :: (Entity->Key) -> String -> Tree Entity -> Tree Entity
readTree fk [] t = t
readTree fk s t =
let (f,s') = readInt s; (g,s'') = readInt s'; (h,s''') = readInt s''
e = (f,g,h)
k = fk e
readTree fk s''' (insertT k e t)
readInt :: String -> (Int,String)
readInt s = readInt' 0 s where
readInt' n s@(c:cs) | isDigit c = readInt' (n*10+fromEnum c-fromEnum '0') cs
readInt' n s = let s' = dropWhile isSpace s in (n,s')
"join" joins two trees of "Entities" (3-tuples) to produce a
tree of "Joins" (5-tuples). The relations are joined on the
third component of each record.
join :: Tree Entity -> Tree Entity -> Tree Join -> Tree Join
join Empty _ j = j
join _ Empty j = j
join (Leaf k (a,b,c)) t j = case lookupT c t of
Nothing -> j
Just (d,e,f) -> insertT c (a,b,c,d,e) j
join (Node k l r) t j = join l t (join r t j)
The main program reads the two files which are its arguments,
and joins the relations which those files define. The result
of the join is discarded.
main = do
-- ~(f1 : ~(f2 : _ )) <- getArgs
-- c1 <- readFile f1
-- c2 <- readFile f2
c1 <- readFile "27000.1"
c2 <- readFile "27000.2"
let a = readTree (\(x,_,_)->x) c1 Empty
let b = readTree (\(x,_,_)->x) c2 Empty
-- print (join a b Empty)
print (forceTree (join a b Empty))