\ 4tH library - English figures - Copyright L.G. Lisle, J.L. Bezemer
\ You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under
\ the terms of the GNU General Public License
: .number cells + @c count type ;
create .crd
," zero"
," one"
," two"
," three"
," four"
," five"
," six"
," seven"
," eight"
," nine"
," ten"
," eleven"
," twelve"
," thirteen"
," fourteen"
," fifteen"
," sixteen"
," seventeen"
," eighteen"
," nineteen"
:this .crd does> swap .number ;
create .tens
," twenty"
," thirty"
," forty"
," fifty"
," sixty"
," seventy"
," eighty"
," ninety"
," hundred"
," thousand"
:this .tens does> swap 1- 1- .number ;
\ unsigned numbers, smaller than 110
: .cardinal ( n --)
dup 19 >
if 10 /mod .tens space then dup
if .crd space else drop then
: .th
if 100 /mod dup if .cardinal 10 .tens space else drop then .cardinal
else drop
: .eng
dup 1999 >
if 1000 /mod .th 11 .tens space then .th
\ signed numbers, smaller than 1,000,000
: .english ( n --)
dup 0<
if ." minus " abs then dup
if .eng else .crd space then
create .ord
," first"
," second"
," third"
," fourth"
," fifth"
," sixth"
," seventh"
," eighth"
," ninth"
," tenth"
," eleventh"
," twelfth"
," thirteenth"
," fourteenth"
," fifteenth"
," sixteenth"
," seventeenth"
," eighteenth"
," nineteenth"
:this .ord does> swap 1- .number space ;
create .10ord
," twen"
," thir"
," for"
," fif"
," six"
," seven"
," eigh"
," nine"
:this .10ord does> swap 1- 1- .number ." tieth " ;
\ unsigned numbers, smaller than 100
: .ordinal ( n --)
dup 20 <
if .ord
else 10 /mod swap dup if swap .tens .ord else drop .10ord then
hide .number
hide .crd
hide .tens
hide .th
hide .eng
hide .ord
hide .10ord