# Commands covered: exec
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: exec.test,v 1.29 2008/03/11 22:23:33 das Exp $
package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
# All tests require the "exec" command.
# Skip them if exec is not defined.
testConstraint exec [llength [info commands exec]]
unset -nocomplain path
set path(echo) [makeFile {
puts -nonewline [lindex $argv 0]
foreach str [lrange $argv 1 end] {
puts -nonewline " $str"
puts {}
} echo]
set path(echo2) [makeFile {
puts stdout [join $argv]
puts stderr [lindex $argv 1]
} echo2]
set path(cat) [makeFile {
if {$argv == {}} {
set argv -
foreach name $argv {
if {$name == "-"} {
set f stdin
} elseif {[catch {open $name r} f] != 0} {
puts stderr $f
while {[eof $f] == 0} {
puts -nonewline [read $f]
if {$f != "stdin"} {
close $f
} cat]
set path(wc) [makeFile {
set data [read stdin]
set lines [regsub -all "\n" $data {} dummy]
set words [regsub -all "\[^ \t\n]+" $data {} dummy]
set chars [string length $data]
puts [format "%8.d%8.d%8.d" $lines $words $chars]
} wc]
set path(sh) [makeFile {
if {[lindex $argv 0] != "-c"} {
error "sh: unexpected arguments $argv"
set cmd [lindex $argv 1]
lappend cmd ";"
set newcmd {}
foreach arg $cmd {
if {$arg == ";"} {
eval exec >@stdout 2>@stderr [list [info nameofexecutable]] $newcmd
set newcmd {}
if {$arg == "1>&2"} {
set arg >@stderr
lappend newcmd $arg
} sh]
set path(sh2) [makeFile {
if {[lindex $argv 0] != "-c"} {
error "sh: unexpected arguments $argv"
set cmd [lindex $argv 1]
lappend cmd ";"
set newcmd {}
foreach arg $cmd {
if {$arg == ";"} {
eval exec -ignorestderr >@stdout [list [info nameofexecutable]] $newcmd
set newcmd {}
lappend newcmd $arg
} sh2]
set path(sleep) [makeFile {
after [expr $argv*1000]
} sleep]
set path(exit) [makeFile {
exit $argv
} exit]
# Basic operations.
test exec-1.1 {basic exec operation} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) a b c
} "a b c"
test exec-1.2 {pipelining} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) a b c d | [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat)
} "a b c d"
test exec-1.3 {pipelining} {exec stdio} {
set a [exec [interpreter] $path(echo) a b c d | [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(wc)]
list [scan $a "%d %d %d" b c d] $b $c
} {3 1 4}
set arg {12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890}
set arg "$arg$arg$arg$arg$arg$arg"
test exec-1.4 {long command lines} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) $arg
} $arg
set arg {}
# I/O redirection: input from Tcl command.
test exec-2.1 {redirecting input from immediate source} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) << "Sample text"
} {Sample text}
test exec-2.2 {redirecting input from immediate source} {exec stdio} {
exec << "Sample text" [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat)
} {Sample text}
test exec-2.3 {redirecting input from immediate source} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) << "Sample text" | [interpreter] $path(cat)
} {Sample text}
test exec-2.4 {redirecting input from immediate source} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat) << "Sample text"
} {Sample text}
test exec-2.5 {redirecting input from immediate source} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) "<<Joined to arrows"
} {Joined to arrows}
test exec-2.6 {redirecting input from immediate source, with UTF} {exec} {
# If this fails, it may give back:
# "\uC3\uA9\uC3\uA0\uC3\uBC\uC3\uB1"
# If it does, this means that the UTF -> external conversion did not
# occur before writing out the temp file.
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) << "\uE9\uE0\uFC\uF1"
} "\uE9\uE0\uFC\uF1"
# I/O redirection: output to file.
set path(gorp.file) [makeFile {} gorp.file]
file delete $path(gorp.file)
test exec-3.1 {redirecting output to file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "Some simple words" > $path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "Some simple words"
test exec-3.2 {redirecting output to file} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "More simple words" | >$path(gorp.file) [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "More simple words"
test exec-3.3 {redirecting output to file} {exec stdio} {
exec > $path(gorp.file) [interpreter] $path(echo) "Different simple words" | [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "Different simple words"
test exec-3.4 {redirecting output to file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "Some simple words" >$path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "Some simple words"
test exec-3.5 {redirecting output to file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "First line" >$path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "Second line" >> $path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "First line\nSecond line"
test exec-3.6 {redirecting output to file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "First line" >$path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "Second line" >>$path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "First line\nSecond line"
test exec-3.7 {redirecting output to file} {exec} {
set f [open $path(gorp.file) w]
puts $f "Line 1"
flush $f
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "More text" >@ $f
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) >@$f "Even more"
puts $f "Line 3"
close $f
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} "Line 1\nMore text\nEven more\nLine 3"
# I/O redirection: output and stderr to file.
file delete $path(gorp.file)
test exec-4.1 {redirecting output and stderr to file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(echo)" "test output" >& $path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"
} "test output"
test exec-4.2 {redirecting output and stderr to file} {exec} {
list [exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" >&$path(gorp.file)] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"]
} {{} {foo bar}}
test exec-4.3 {redirecting output and stderr to file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "first line" > $path(gorp.file)
list [exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" >>&$path(gorp.file)] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"]
} "{} {first line\nfoo bar}"
test exec-4.4 {redirecting output and stderr to file} {exec} {
set f [open "$path(gorp.file)" w]
puts $f "Line 1"
flush $f
exec [interpreter] "$path(echo)" "More text" >&@ $f
exec [interpreter] "$path(echo)" >&@$f "Even more"
puts $f "Line 3"
close $f
exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"
} "Line 1\nMore text\nEven more\nLine 3"
test exec-4.5 {redirecting output and stderr to file} {exec} {
set f [open "$path(gorp.file)" w]
puts $f "Line 1"
flush $f
exec >&@ $f [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2"
exec >&@$f [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" xyzzy 1>&2"
puts $f "Line 3"
close $f
exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"
} "Line 1\nfoo bar\nxyzzy\nLine 3"
# I/O redirection: input from file.
if {[testConstraint exec]} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "Just a few thoughts" > $path(gorp.file)
test exec-5.1 {redirecting input from file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) < $path(gorp.file)
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-5.2 {redirecting input from file} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat) < $path(gorp.file)
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-5.3 {redirecting input from file} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) < $path(gorp.file) | [interpreter] $path(cat)
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-5.4 {redirecting input from file} {exec stdio} {
exec < $path(gorp.file) [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat)
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-5.5 {redirecting input from file} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) <$path(gorp.file)
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-5.6 {redirecting input from file} {exec} {
set f [open $path(gorp.file) r]
set result [exec [interpreter] $path(cat) <@ $f]
close $f
set result
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-5.7 {redirecting input from file} {exec} {
set f [open $path(gorp.file) r]
set result [exec <@$f [interpreter] $path(cat)]
close $f
set result
} {Just a few thoughts}
# I/O redirection: standard error through a pipeline.
test exec-6.1 {redirecting stderr through a pipeline} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar" |& [interpreter] "$path(cat)"
} "foo bar"
test exec-6.2 {redirecting stderr through a pipeline} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" |& [interpreter] "$path(cat)"
} "foo bar"
test exec-6.3 {redirecting stderr through a pipeline} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" \
|& [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" second msg 1>&2 ; \"$path(cat)\"" |& [interpreter] "$path(cat)"
} "second msg\nfoo bar"
# I/O redirection: combinations.
set path(gorp.file2) [makeFile {} gorp.file2]
file delete $path(gorp.file2)
test exec-7.1 {multiple I/O redirections} {exec} {
exec << "command input" > $path(gorp.file2) [interpreter] $path(cat) < $path(gorp.file)
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file2)
} {Just a few thoughts}
test exec-7.2 {multiple I/O redirections} {exec} {
exec < $path(gorp.file) << "command input" [interpreter] $path(cat)
} {command input}
# Long input to command and output from command.
set a "0123456789 xxxxxxxxx abcdefghi ABCDEFGHIJK\n"
set a [concat $a $a $a $a]
set a [concat $a $a $a $a]
set a [concat $a $a $a $a]
set a [concat $a $a $a $a]
test exec-8.1 {long input and output} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) << $a
} $a
# More than 20 arguments to exec.
test exec-8.2 {long input and output} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23}
# Commands that return errors.
test exec-9.1 {commands returning errors} {exec} {
set x [catch {exec gorp456} msg]
list $x [string tolower $msg] [string tolower $errorCode]
} {1 {couldn't execute "gorp456": no such file or directory} {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
test exec-9.2 {commands returning errors} {exec} {
string tolower [list [catch {exec [interpreter] echo foo | foo123} msg] $msg $errorCode]
} {1 {couldn't execute "foo123": no such file or directory} {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
test exec-9.3 {commands returning errors} {exec stdio} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 | [interpreter] $path(exit) 43 | [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {child process exited abnormally}}
test exec-9.4 {commands returning errors} {exec stdio} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $path(exit) 43 | [interpreter] $path(echo) "foo bar"} msg] $msg
} {1 {foo bar
child process exited abnormally}}
test exec-9.5 {commands returning errors} {exec stdio} {
list [catch {exec gorp456 | [interpreter] echo a b c} msg] [string tolower $msg]
} {1 {couldn't execute "gorp456": no such file or directory}}
test exec-9.6 {commands returning errors} {exec} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" error msg 1>&2"} msg] $msg
} {1 {error msg}}
test exec-9.7 {commands returning errors} {exec stdio} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" error msg 1>&2 ; \"$path(sleep)\" 1" \
| [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" error msg 1>&2 ; \"$path(sleep)\" 1"} msg] $msg
} {1 {error msg
error msg}}
set path(err) [makeFile {} err]
test exec-9.8 {commands returning errors} {exec} {
set f [open $path(err) w]
puts $f {
puts stdout out
puts stderr err
close $f
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $path(err)} msg] $msg
} {1 {out
# Errors in executing the Tcl command, as opposed to errors in the
# processes that are invoked.
test exec-10.1 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "exec ?switches? arg ?arg ...?"}}
test exec-10.2 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec | cat} msg] $msg
} {1 {illegal use of | or |& in command}}
test exec-10.3 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat |} msg] $msg
} {1 {illegal use of | or |& in command}}
test exec-10.4 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat | | cat} msg] $msg
} {1 {illegal use of | or |& in command}}
test exec-10.5 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat | |& cat} msg] $msg
} {1 {illegal use of | or |& in command}}
test exec-10.6 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat |&} msg] $msg
} {1 {illegal use of | or |& in command}}
test exec-10.7 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat <} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify "<" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.8 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat >} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify ">" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.9 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat <<} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify "<<" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.10 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat >>} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify ">>" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.11 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat >&} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify ">&" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.12 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat >>&} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify ">>&" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.13 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat >@} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify ">@" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.14 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat <@} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't specify "<@" as last word in command}}
test exec-10.15 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat < a/b/c} msg] [string tolower $msg]
} {1 {couldn't read file "a/b/c": no such file or directory}}
test exec-10.16 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat << foo > a/b/c} msg] [string tolower $msg]
} {1 {couldn't write file "a/b/c": no such file or directory}}
test exec-10.17 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat << foo > a/b/c} msg] [string tolower $msg]
} {1 {couldn't write file "a/b/c": no such file or directory}}
set f [open $path(gorp.file) w]
test exec-10.18 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat <@ $f} msg] $msg
} "1 {channel \"$f\" wasn't opened for reading}"
close $f
set f [open $path(gorp.file) r]
test exec-10.19 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec cat >@ $f} msg] $msg
} "1 {channel \"$f\" wasn't opened for writing}"
close $f
test exec-10.20 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec ~non_existent_user/foo/bar} msg] $msg
} {1 {user "non_existent_user" doesn't exist}}
test exec-10.21 {errors in exec invocation} {exec} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] true | ~xyzzy_bad_user/x | false} msg] $msg
} {1 {user "xyzzy_bad_user" doesn't exist}}
test exec-10.22 {errors in exec invocation} \
-constraints exec \
-returnCodes 1 \
-body {exec echo test > ~non_existent_user/foo/bar} \
-result {user "non_existent_user" doesn't exist}
# Commands in background.
test exec-11.1 {commands in background} {exec} {
set x [lindex [time {exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 2 &}] 0]
expr $x<1000000
} 1
test exec-11.2 {commands in background} {exec} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $path(echo) a &b} msg] $msg
} {0 {a &b}}
test exec-11.3 {commands in background} {exec} {
llength [exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 &]
} 1
test exec-11.4 {commands in background} {exec stdio} {
llength [exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 | [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 | [interpreter] $path(sleep) 1 &]
} 3
test exec-11.5 {commands in background} {exec} {
set f [open $path(gorp.file) w]
puts $f [list catch [list exec [info nameofexecutable] $path(echo) foo &]]
close $f
string compare "foo" [exec [interpreter] $path(gorp.file)]
} 0
# Make sure that background commands are properly reaped when
# they eventually die.
if {[testConstraint exec]} {
exec [interpreter] $path(sleep) 3
test exec-12.1 {reaping background processes} \
{exec unix nonPortable} {
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
exec echo foo > /dev/null &
exec sleep 1
catch {exec ps | fgrep "echo foo" | fgrep -v fgrep | wc} msg
lindex $msg 0
} 0
test exec-12.2 {reaping background processes} \
{exec unix nonPortable} {
exec sleep 2 | sleep 2 | sleep 2 &
catch {exec ps | fgrep -i "sleep" | fgrep -i -v fgrep | wc} msg
set x [lindex $msg 0]
exec sleep 3
catch {exec ps | fgrep -i "sleep" | fgrep -i -v fgrep | wc} msg
list $x [lindex $msg 0]
} {3 0}
test exec-12.3 {reaping background processes} \
{exec unix nonPortable} {
exec sleep 1000 &
exec sleep 1000 &
set x [exec ps | fgrep "sleep" | fgrep -v fgrep]
set pids {}
foreach i [split $x \n] {
lappend pids [lindex $i 0]
foreach i $pids {
catch {exec kill -STOP $i}
catch {exec ps | fgrep "sleep" | fgrep -v fgrep | wc} msg
set x [lindex $msg 0]
foreach i $pids {
catch {exec kill -KILL $i}
catch {exec ps | fgrep "sleep" | fgrep -v fgrep | wc} msg
list $x [lindex $msg 0]
} {2 0}
# Make sure "errorCode" is set correctly.
test exec-13.1 {setting errorCode variable} {exec} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $path(cat) < a/b/c} msg] [string tolower $errorCode]
} {1 {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
test exec-13.2 {setting errorCode variable} {exec} {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $path(cat) > a/b/c} msg] [string tolower $errorCode]
} {1 {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
test exec-13.3 {setting errorCode variable} {exec} {
set x [catch {exec _weird_cmd_} msg]
list $x [string tolower $msg] [lindex $errorCode 0] \
[string tolower [lrange $errorCode 2 end]]
} {1 {couldn't execute "_weird_cmd_": no such file or directory} POSIX {{no such file or directory}}}
test exec-13.4 {extended exit result codes} {
-constraints {win}
-setup {
set tmp [makeFile {exit 0x00000101} tmpfile.exec-13.4]
-body {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $tmp} err]\
[lreplace $::errorCode 1 1 {}]
-cleanup {
removeFile $tmp
-result {1 {CHILDSTATUS {} 257}}
test exec-13.5 {extended exit result codes: max value} {
-constraints {win}
-setup {
set tmp [makeFile {exit 0x3fffffff} tmpfile.exec-13.5]
-body {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $tmp} err]\
[lreplace $::errorCode 1 1 {}]
-cleanup {
removeFile $tmp
-result {1 {CHILDSTATUS {} 1073741823}}
test exec-13.6 {extended exit result codes: signalled} {
-constraints {win}
-setup {
set tmp [makeFile {exit 0xC0000016} tmpfile.exec-13.6]
-body {
list [catch {exec [interpreter] $tmp} err]\
[lreplace $::errorCode 1 1 {}]
-cleanup {
removeFile $tmp
# Switches before the first argument
test exec-14.1 {-keepnewline switch} {exec} {
exec -keepnewline [interpreter] $path(echo) foo
} "foo\n"
test exec-14.2 {-keepnewline switch} {exec} {
list [catch {exec -keepnewline} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "exec ?switches? arg ?arg ...?"}}
test exec-14.3 {unknown switch} {exec} {
list [catch {exec -gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad switch "-gorp": must be -ignorestderr, -keepnewline, or --}}
test exec-14.4 {-- switch} {exec} {
list [catch {exec -- -gorp} msg] [string tolower $msg]
} {1 {couldn't execute "-gorp": no such file or directory}}
test exec-14.5 {-ignorestderr switch} {exec} {
# Alas, the use of -ignorestderr is buried here :-(
exec [interpreter] $path(sh2) -c [list $path(echo2) foo bar] 2>@1
} "foo bar\nbar"
# Redirecting standard error separately from standard output
test exec-15.1 {standard error redirection} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(echo)" "First line" > "$path(gorp.file)"
list [exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" 2> "$path(gorp.file)"] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"]
} {{} {foo bar}}
test exec-15.2 {standard error redirection} {exec stdio} {
list [exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" \
| [interpreter] "$path(echo)" biz baz >$path(gorp.file) 2> "$path(gorp.file2)"] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file2)"]
} {{} {biz baz} {foo bar}}
test exec-15.3 {standard error redirection} {exec stdio} {
list [exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" \
| [interpreter] "$path(echo)" biz baz 2>$path(gorp.file) > "$path(gorp.file2)"] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"] \
[exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file2)"]
} {{} {foo bar} {biz baz}}
test exec-15.4 {standard error redirection} {exec} {
set f [open "$path(gorp.file)" w]
puts $f "Line 1"
flush $f
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" 2>@ $f
puts $f "Line 3"
close $f
exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"
} {Line 1
foo bar
Line 3}
test exec-15.5 {standard error redirection} {exec} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(echo)" "First line" > "$path(gorp.file)"
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" 2>> "$path(gorp.file)"
exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"
} {First line
foo bar}
test exec-15.6 {standard error redirection} {exec stdio} {
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" > "$path(gorp.file2)" 2> "$path(gorp.file)" \
>& "$path(gorp.file)" 2> "$path(gorp.file2)" | [interpreter] "$path(echo)" biz baz
list [exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file)"] [exec [interpreter] "$path(cat)" "$path(gorp.file2)"]
} {{biz baz} {foo bar}}
test exec-15.7 {standard error redirection 2>@1} {exec stdio} {
# This redirects stderr output into normal result output from exec
exec [interpreter] "$path(sh)" -c "\"$path(echo)\" foo bar 1>&2" 2>@1
} {foo bar}
test exec-16.1 {flush output before exec} {exec} {
set f [open $path(gorp.file) w]
puts $f "First line"
exec [interpreter] $path(echo) "Second line" >@ $f
puts $f "Third line"
close $f
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} {First line
Second line
Third line}
test exec-16.2 {flush output before exec} {exec} {
set f [open $path(gorp.file) w]
puts $f "First line"
exec [interpreter] << {puts stderr {Second line}} >&@ $f > $path(gorp.file2)
puts $f "Third line"
close $f
exec [interpreter] $path(cat) $path(gorp.file)
} {First line
Second line
Third line}
set path(script) [makeFile {} script]
test exec-17.1 { inheriting standard I/O } {exec} {
set f [open $path(script) w]
puts -nonewline $f {close stdout
set f [}
puts $f [list open $path(gorp.file) w]]
puts $f [list catch \
[list exec [info nameofexecutable] $path(echo) foobar &]]
puts $f [list exec [info nameofexecutable] $path(sleep) 2]
puts $f {close $f}
close $f
catch {exec [interpreter] $path(script)} result
set f [open $path(gorp.file) r]
lappend result [read $f]
close $f
set result
} {{foobar
test exec-18.1 { exec cat deals with weird file names} {exec tempNotWin} {
# This is cross-platform, but the cat isn't predictably correct on
# Windows.
set f "foo\[\{blah"
set path(fooblah) [makeFile {} $f]
set fout [open $path(fooblah) w]
puts $fout "contents"
close $fout
set res [list [catch {exec cat $path(fooblah)} msg] $msg]
removeFile $f
set res
} {0 contents}
# Note that this test cannot be adapted to work on Windows; that platform has
# no kernel support for an analog of O_APPEND.
test exec-19.1 {exec >> uses O_APPEND} {
-constraints {exec unix}
-setup {
set tmpfile [makeFile {0} tmpfile.exec-19.1]
-body {
# Note that we have to allow for the current contents of the
# temporary file, which is why the result is 14 and not 12
exec /bin/sh -c \
{for a in 1 2 3; do sleep 1; echo $a; done} >>$tmpfile &
exec /bin/sh -c \
{for a in a b c; do sleep 1; echo $a; done} >>$tmpfile &
# The above two shell invokations take about 3 seconds to
# finish, so allow 5s (in case the machine is busy)
after 5000
# Check that no bytes have got lost through mixups with
# overlapping appends, which is only guaranteed to work when
# we set O_APPEND on the file descriptor in the [exec >>...]
file size $tmpfile
-cleanup {
removeFile $tmpfile
-result 14
# cleanup
foreach file {script gorp.file gorp.file2 echo echo2 cat wc sh sh2 sleep exit err} {
removeFile $file
unset -nocomplain path