#!/usr/bin/perl -w
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
chdir 't';
use strict;
use Test::More;
if ($^O =~ /os2/i) {
plan( tests => 32 );
} else {
plan( skip_all => "This is not OS/2" );
# for dlsyms, overridden in tests
package ExtUtils::MM_OS2;
use subs 'system', 'unlink';
# for maybe_command
use File::Spec;
use_ok( 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2' );
ok( grep( 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2', @MM::ISA),
'ExtUtils::MM_OS2 should be parent of MM' );
# dlsyms
my $mm = bless({
dynamic => 1
NAME => 'foo:bar::',
}, 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2');
is( $mm->dlsyms(), '',
'dlsyms() should return nothing with dynamic flag set' );
$mm->{BASEEXT} = 'baseext';
delete $mm->{SKIPHASH};
my $res = $mm->dlsyms();
like( $res, qr/baseext\.def: Makefile/,
'... without flag, should return make targets' );
like( $res, qr/"DL_FUNCS" => { }/,
'... should provide empty hash refs where necessary' );
like( $res, qr/"DL_VARS" => \[]/, '... and empty array refs too' );
$mm->{FUNCLIST} = 'funclist';
$res = $mm->dlsyms( IMPORTS => 'imports' );
like( $res, qr/"FUNCLIST" => .+funclist/,
'... should pick up values from object' );
like( $res, qr/"IMPORTS" => .+imports/, '... and allow parameter options too' );
my $can_write;
local *OUT;
$can_write = open(OUT, '>tmp_imp');
skip("Cannot write test files: $!", 7) unless $can_write;
$mm->{IMPORTS} = { foo => 'bar' };
local $@;
eval { $mm->dlsyms() };
like( $@, qr/Can.t mkdir tmp_imp/,
'... should die if directory cannot be made' );
unlink('tmp_imp') or skip("Cannot remove test file: $!", 9);
eval { $mm->dlsyms() };
like( $@, qr/Malformed IMPORT/, 'should die from malformed import symbols');
$mm->{IMPORTS} = { foo => 'bar.baz' };
my @sysfail = ( 1, 0, 1 );
my ($sysargs, $unlinked);
*ExtUtils::MM_OS2::system = sub {
$sysargs = shift;
return shift @sysfail;
*ExtUtils::MM_OS2::unlink = sub {
eval { $mm->dlsyms() };
like( $sysargs, qr/^emximp/, '... should try to call system() though' );
like( $@, qr/Cannot make import library/,
'... should die if emximp syscall fails' );
# sysfail is 0 now, call emximp call should succeed
eval { $mm->dlsyms() };
is( $unlinked, 1, '... should attempt to unlink temp files' );
like( $@, qr/Cannot extract import/,
'... should die if other syscall fails' );
# make both syscalls succeed
@sysfail = (0, 0);
local $@;
eval { $mm->dlsyms() };
is( $@, '', '... should not die if both syscalls succeed' );
# static_lib
my $called = 0;
# avoid "used only once"
local *ExtUtils::MM_Unix::static_lib;
*ExtUtils::MM_Unix::static_lib = sub {
return "\n\ncalled static_lib\n\nline2\nline3\n\nline4";
my $args = bless({ IMPORTS => {}, }, 'MM');
# without IMPORTS as a populated hash, there will be no extra data
my $ret = ExtUtils::MM_OS2::static_lib( $args );
is( $called, 1, 'static_lib() should call parent method' );
like( $ret, qr/^called static_lib/m,
'... should return parent data unless IMPORTS exists' );
$args->{IMPORTS} = { foo => 1};
$ret = ExtUtils::MM_OS2::static_lib( $args );
is( $called, 2, '... should call parent method if extra imports passed' );
like( $ret, qr/^called static_lib\n\t\$\(AR\) \$\(AR_STATIC_ARGS\)/m,
'... should append make tags to first line from parent method' );
like( $ret, qr/\$@\n\n\nline2\nline3\n\nline4/m,
'... should include remaining data from parent method' );
# replace_manpage_separator
my $sep = '//a///b//c/de';
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->replace_manpage_separator($sep), '.a.b.c.de',
'replace_manpage_separator() should turn multiple slashes into periods' );
# maybe_command
local *DIR;
my ($dir, $noext, $exe, $cmd);
my $found = 0;
my ($curdir, $updir) = (File::Spec->curdir, File::Spec->updir);
# we need:
# 1) a directory
# 2) an executable file with no extension
# 3) an executable file with the .exe extension
# 4) an executable file with the .cmd extension
# we assume there will be one somewhere in the path
# in addition, we need them to be unique enough they do not trip
# an earlier file test in maybe_command(). Portability.
foreach my $path (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
opendir(DIR, $path) or next;
while (defined(my $file = readdir(DIR))) {
next if $file eq $curdir or $file eq $updir;
$file = File::Spec->catfile($path, $file);
unless (defined $dir) {
if (-d $file) {
next if ( -x $file . '.exe' or -x $file . '.cmd' );
$dir = $file;
if (-x $file) {
my $ext;
if ($file =~ s/\.(exe|cmd)\z//) {
$ext = $1;
# skip executable files with names too similar
next if -x $file;
$file .= '.' . $ext;
} else {
unless (defined $noext) {
$noext = $file;
unless (defined $exe) {
if ($ext eq 'exe') {
$exe = $file;
unless (defined $cmd) {
if ($ext eq 'cmd') {
$cmd = $file;
last if $found == 4;
last if $found == 4;
skip('No appropriate directory found', 1) unless defined $dir;
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->maybe_command( $dir ), undef,
'maybe_command() should ignore directories' );
skip('No non-exension command found', 1) unless defined $noext;
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->maybe_command( $noext ), $noext,
'maybe_command() should find executable lacking file extension' );
skip('No .exe command found', 1) unless defined $exe;
(my $noexe = $exe) =~ s/\.exe\z//;
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->maybe_command( $noexe ), $exe,
'maybe_command() should find .exe file lacking extension' );
skip('No .cmd command found', 1) unless defined $cmd;
(my $nocmd = $cmd) =~ s/\.cmd\z//;
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->maybe_command( $nocmd ), $cmd,
'maybe_command() should find .cmd file lacking extension' );
# file_name_is_absolute
ok( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->file_name_is_absolute( 's:/' ),
'file_name_is_absolute() should be true for paths with volume and slash' );
ok( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->file_name_is_absolute( '\foo' ),
'... and for paths with leading slash but no volume' );
ok( ! ExtUtils::MM_OS2->file_name_is_absolute( 'arduk' ),
'... but not for paths with no leading slash or volume' );
# perl_archive
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->perl_archive(), '$(PERL_INC)/libperl$(LIB_EXT)',
'perl_archive() should return a static string' );
# perl_archive_after
my $aout = 0;
local *OS2::is_aout;
*OS2::is_aout = \$aout;
isnt( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->perl_archive_after(), '',
'perl_archive_after() should return string without $is_aout set' );
$aout = 1;
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2->perl_archive_after(), '',
'... and blank string if it is set' );
# export_list
is( ExtUtils::MM_OS2::export_list({ BASEEXT => 'foo' }), 'foo.def',
'export_list() should add .def to BASEEXT member' );
use File::Path;
unlink 'tmpimp.imp';