#!perl -w
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't';
@INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
use strict;
require Test::Simple::Catch;
my($out, $err) = Test::Simple::Catch::caught();
# Can't use Test.pm, that's a 5.005 thing.
package My::Test;
print "1..2\n";
my $test_num = 1;
# Utility testing functions.
sub ok ($;$) {
my($test, $name) = @_;
my $ok = '';
$ok .= "not " unless $test;
$ok .= "ok $test_num";
$ok .= " - $name" if defined $name;
$ok .= "\n";
print $ok;
package main;
require Test::Simple;
Test::Simple->import(tests => 5);
#line 35
ok( 1, 'passing' );
ok( 2, 'passing still' );
ok( 3, 'still passing' );
ok( 0, 'oh no!' );
ok( 0, 'damnit' );
My::Test::ok($$out eq <<OUT);
ok 1 - passing
ok 2 - passing still
ok 3 - still passing
not ok 4 - oh no!
not ok 5 - damnit
My::Test::ok($$err eq <<ERR);
# Failed test ($0 at line 38)
# Failed test ($0 at line 39)
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 5.
# Prevent Test::Simple from exiting with non zero
exit 0;