Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/gabidiaz/root/sys/src/cmd/perl/os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/

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Distributed under the MIT License.
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package OS2::DLL;

our $VERSION = '1.00';

use Carp;
use DynaLoader;

@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);

    $AUTOLOAD =~ /^OS2::DLL::.+::(.+)$/
      or confess("Undefined subroutine &$AUTOLOAD called");
    return undef if $1 eq "DESTROY";
      or confess("Can't find entry '$1' to DLL '$_[0]->{File}': $^E");
    goto &$AUTOLOAD;

@libs = split(/;/, $ENV{'PERL5REXX'} || $ENV{'PERLREXX'} || $ENV{'LIBPATH'} || $ENV{'PATH'});
%dlls = ();

# Preloaded methods go here.  Autoload methods go after __END__, and are
# processed by the autosplit program.

# Cannot autoload, the autoloader is used for the REXX functions.

sub new {
  confess 'Usage: OS2::DLL->new( <file> [<dirs>] )' unless @_ >= 2;
  my ($class, $file) = (shift, shift);
  my $handle;
  $handle = $class->load($file, @_) and return $handle;
  my $path = @_ ? " from '@_'" : '';
  my $err = DynaLoader::dl_error();
  $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\S+\s*\z//;
  croak "Can't load '$file'$path: $err";

sub load
	confess 'Usage: load OS2::DLL <file> [<dirs>]' unless $#_ >= 1;
	my ($class, $file, @where) = (@_, @libs);
	return $dlls{$file} if $dlls{$file};
	my $handle;
	foreach (@where) {
		$handle = DynaLoader::dl_load_file("$_/$file.dll");
		last if $handle;
	$handle = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($file) unless $handle;
	return undef unless $handle;
	my $packs = $INC{'OS2/'} ? 'OS2::DLL OS2::REXX' : 'OS2::DLL';
	eval <<EOE or die "eval package $@";
package OS2::DLL::$file; \@ISA = qw($packs);
  goto &OS2::DLL::AUTOLOAD;
	return $dlls{$file} = 
	  bless {Handle => $handle, File => $file, Queue => 'SESSION' },

sub find
	my $self   = shift;
	my $file   = $self->{File};
	my $handle = $self->{Handle};
	my $prefix = exists($self->{Prefix}) ? $self->{Prefix} : "";
	my $queue  = $self->{Queue};
	foreach (@_) {
		my $name = "OS2::DLL::${file}::$_";
		next if defined(&$name);
		my $addr = DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($handle, uc $prefix.$_)
		        || DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($handle, $prefix.$_)
			or return 0;
		eval <<EOE or die "eval sub";
package OS2::DLL::$file;
sub $_ {
  OS2::DLL::_call('$_', $addr, '$queue', \@_);
	return 1;

bootstrap OS2::DLL;


=head1 NAME

OS2::DLL - access to DLLs with REXX calling convention.

=head2 NOTE

When you use this module, the REXX variable pool is not available.

See documentation of L<OS2::REXX> module if you need the variable pool.


	use OS2::DLL;
	$emx_dll = OS2::DLL->load('emx');
	$emx_version = $emx_dll->emx_revision();


=head2 Load REXX DLL

	$dll = load OS2::DLL NAME [, WHERE];

NAME is DLL name, without path and extension.

Directories are searched WHERE first (list of dirs), then environment
paths PERL5REXX, PERLREXX, PATH or, as last resort, OS/2-ish search 
is performed in default DLL path (without adding paths and extensions).

The DLL is not unloaded when the variable dies.

Returns DLL object reference, or undef on failure (in this case one can
get the reason via C<DynaLoader::dl_error()>).

=head2 Create a REXX DLL handle

	$dll = OS2::DLL->new( NAME [, WHERE] );

Same as L<C<load>|Load REXX DLL>, but croaks with a meaningful message on

=head2 Check for functions (optional):

	BOOL = $dll->find(NAME [, NAME [, ...]]);

Returns true if all functions are available.

=head2 Call external REXX function:


Returns the return string if the return code is 0, else undef.
Dies with error message if the function is not available.


If C<PERL_REXX_DEBUG> is set, emits debugging output.  Looks for DLLs

=head1 AUTHOR

Extracted by Ilya Zakharevich [email protected] from L<OS2::REXX>
written by Andreas Kaiser [email protected].


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