print "1..9\n";
# test various operations on @_
my $ord = 0;
sub new1 { bless \@_ }
my $x = new1("x");
my $y = new1("y");
print "# got [@$y], expected [y]\nnot " unless "@$y" eq "y";
print "ok $ord\n";
print "# got [@$x], expected [x]\nnot " unless "@$x" eq "x";
print "ok $ord\n";
sub new2 { splice @_, 0, 0, "a", "b", "c"; return \@_ }
my $x = new2("x");
my $y = new2("y");
print "# got [@$x], expected [a b c x]\nnot " unless "@$x" eq "a b c x";
print "ok $ord\n";
print "# got [@$y], expected [a b c y]\nnot " unless "@$y" eq "a b c y";
print "ok $ord\n";
sub new3 { goto &new1 }
my $x = new3("x");
my $y = new3("y");
print "# got [@$y], expected [y]\nnot " unless "@$y" eq "y";
print "ok $ord\n";
print "# got [@$x], expected [x]\nnot " unless "@$x" eq "x";
print "ok $ord\n";
sub new4 { goto &new2 }
my $x = new4("x");
my $y = new4("y");
print "# got [@$x], expected [a b c x]\nnot " unless "@$x" eq "a b c x";
print "ok $ord\n";
print "# got [@$y], expected [a b c y]\nnot " unless "@$y" eq "a b c y";
print "ok $ord\n";
# see if POPSUB gets to see the right pad across a dounwind() with
# a reified @_
sub methimpl {
my $refarg = \@_;
die( "got: @_\n" );
sub method {
sub try {
eval { method('foo', 'bar'); };
print "# $@" if $@;
for (1..5) { try() }
print "ok $ord\n";