chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
eval 'opendir(NOSUCH, "no/such/directory");';
if ($@) { print "1..0\n"; exit; }
print "1..3\n";
for $i (1..2000) {
local *OP;
opendir(OP, "op") or die "can't opendir: $!";
# should auto-closedir() here
if (opendir(OP, "op")) { print "ok 1\n"; } else { print "not ok 1\n"; }
@D = grep(/^[^\.].*\.t$/i, readdir(OP));
## This range will have to adjust as the number of tests expands,
## as it's counting the number of .t files in src/t
my ($min, $max) = (115, 135);
if (@D > $min && @D < $max) { print "ok 2\n"; }
else {
printf "not ok 2 # counting op/*.t, expect $min < %d < $max files\n",
scalar @D;
@R = sort @D;
@G = sort <op/*.t>;
@G = sort <:op:*.t> if $^O eq 'MacOS';
if ($G[0] =~ m#.*\](\w+\.t)#i) {
# grep is to convert filespecs returned from glob under VMS to format
# identical to that returned by readdir
@G = grep(s#.*\](\w+\.t).*#op/$1#i,<op/*.t>);
while (@R && @G && $G[0] eq ($^O eq 'MacOS' ? ':op:' : 'op/').$R[0]) {
if (@R == 0 && @G == 0) { print "ok 3\n"; } else { print "not ok 3\n"; }