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6Zejd7_dS(s�command to display child changesets (DEPRECATED)
This extension is deprecated. You should use :hg:`log -r
"children(REV)"` instead.
||}tj|||�}x!|j�D]}|j|�qYW|j�dS(s�show the children of the given or working directory revision
Print the children of the working directory's revisions. If a
revision is given via -r/--rev, the children of that revision will
be printed. If a file argument is given, revision in which the
file was last changed (after the working directory revision or the
argument to --rev if given) is printed.
trevtchangeidN(tgettfilectxRtshow_changesettchildrentshowtclose(tuitrepotfile_toptsRtctxt displayertcctx((s2/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/children.pyR
trRts'show children of the specified revisiontREVshg children [-r REV] [FILE]R
s childrenN(
t__doc__t mercurialRRtmercurial.commandsRtmercurial.i18nRt
tcmdtablet inferrepo(((s2/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/children.pyt<module>s