implement FractalM;
# This code started life as Reversi which is
# Copyright © 2000 Vita Nuova Limited. All rights reserved.
# I'm under the impressions that therefore this is GPL as per distribution, I'm sure no-one will mind
include "sys.m";
sys: Sys;
include "draw.m";
draw: Draw;
Point, Rect, Image, Font, Context, Screen, Display: import draw;
include "tk.m";
tk: Tk;
Toplevel: import tk;
include "tkclient.m";
tkclient: Tkclient;
include "daytime.m";
daytime: Daytime;
include "rand.m";
rand: Rand;
include "math.m";
math : Math;
# adtize and modularize
stderr: ref Sys->FD;
FractalM: module
init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);
display: ref Draw->Display;
init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string)
sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
draw = load Draw Draw->PATH;
tk = load Tk Tk->PATH;
tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH;
daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH;
rand = load Rand Rand->PATH;
math = load Math Math->PATH;
argv = tl argv;
while(argv != nil){
s := hd argv;
if(s != nil && s[0] == '-'){
for(i := 1; i < len s; i++){
case s[i] {
* => ;
argv = tl argv;
stderr = sys->fildes(2);
daytime = nil;
if(ctxt == nil)
ctxt = tkclient->makedrawcontext();
display = ctxt.display;
(win, wmctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "No Frills Fractals", Tkclient->Resize | Tkclient->Hide);
mainwin = win;
sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil);
cmdch := chan of string;
tk->namechan(win, cmdch, "cmd");
for(i := 0; i < len win_config; i++)
cmd(win, win_config[i]);
pid := -1;
tkclient->onscreen(win, nil);
tkclient->startinput(win, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil);
sweep : Rect;
alt {
s := <-win.ctxt.kbd =>
tk->keyboard(win, s);
s := <-win.ctxt.ptr =>
tk->pointer(win, *s);
s := <-win.ctxt.ctl or
s = <-win.wreq =>
tkclient->wmctl(win, s);
c := <- wmctl =>
case c {
"exit" =>
if(pid != -1)
* =>
e := tkclient->wmctl(win, c);
if(e == nil && c[0] == '!'){
c := <- cmdch =>
(nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " ");
case hd toks {
"b1" =>
sweep.min.x = int hd tl toks;
sweep.min.y = int hd tl tl toks;
"sweep1" =>
sweep.max.x = int hd tl toks;
sweep.max.y = int hd tl tl toks;
"release1" =>
set_zoom(brdimg.r, sweep);
"bh" or "bm" or "wh" or "wm" =>
"blev" or "wlev" =>
"resetzoom" =>
* =>
SQUARE, REPLAY: con iota;
WIDTH: con 100;
HEIGHT: con 200;
SKILLB : con 6;
SKILLW : con 0;
mainwin: ref Toplevel;
brdimg: ref Image;
brdr: Rect;
brdx, brdy: int;
Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax : real;
brdw := int tk->cmd(mainwin, ".p cget -actwidth");
brdh := int tk->cmd(mainwin, ".p cget -actheight");
brdr = Rect((0,0), (brdw, brdh));
brdimg = display.newimage(brdr, display.image.chans, 0, Draw->White);
if(brdimg == nil)
fatal("not enough image memory");
tk->putimage(mainwin, ".p", brdimg, nil);
printr(r : Rect)
log(sys->sprint("(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y));
printls(s : list of string)
sys->fprint(stderr, "[");
while(s != nil) {
sys->fprint(stderr, "%s,", hd s);
s = tl s;
sys->fprint(stderr, "]\n");
set_zoom(r, s : Rect) {
ys := math->fabs((Ymax - Ymin) / real (r.max.y - r.min.y));
xs := math->fabs((Xmax - Xmin) / real (r.max.x - r.min.x));
# log("brdimg.r.max.y " + string brdimg.r.max.y + " brdimg.r.min.y " + string brdimg.r.min.y + " ys " + string ys);
if(Xmin < 0.0)
Xmin += xs * real s.min.x;
Xmin -= xs * real s.min.x;
if(Xmax < 0.0)
Xmax += xs * real (r.max.x - s.max.x);
Xmax -= xs * real (r.max.x - s.max.x);
if(Ymin < 0.0)
Ymin += ys * real (r.max.y - s.max.y);
Ymin -= ys * real (r.max.y - s.max.y);
if(Ymax < 0.0)
Ymax += ys * real (s.min.y);
Ymax -= ys * real (s.min.y);
reset_zoom() {
Xmin = -2.5;
Ymin = -1.5;
Xmax = 1.5;
Ymax = 1.5;
mandel(x, y : real) : int
i : int;
r := x + x * x - y * y;
r2 := r * r;
j := y + x * y + x * y;
j2 := j * j;
for(i = 2; i < MAXITERATIONS; i++) {
j = y + r * j + r * j;
r = x - j2 + r2;
j2 = j * j;
if(j2 > 4.0) break;
r2 = r * r;
if(j2 + r2 > 4.0) break;
} exception e {
"*" =>
return i;
puts(s: string)
# while(sfont.width(s) > swidth)
# s = s[0: len s -1];
cmd(mainwin, ".f1.txt configure -text {" + s + "}");
cmd(mainwin, "update");
data := array [(brdimg.r.max.x - brdimg.r.min.x) * (brdimg.r.max.y - brdimg.r.min.y) * 4] of byte;
m : int;
p := 0;
xs, ys : real;
ys = (Ymax - Ymin) / real (brdimg.r.max.y - brdimg.r.min.y);
xs = (Xmax - Xmin) / real (brdimg.r.max.x - brdimg.r.min.x);
log("(" + string Xmin + ", " + string Ymin + ")-(" + string Xmax + "," + string Ymax + ")");
for(y := brdimg.r.max.y; y > 0; y--)
for(x := brdimg.r.min.x; x < brdimg.r.max.x; x++) {
m = GREYSCALER * mandel(Xmin + real x * xs, Ymin + real y * ys);
data[p++] = byte m;
data[p++] = byte m;
data[p++] = byte m;
data[p++] = byte 255;
brdimg.writepixels(brdimg.r, data);
tk->cmd(mainwin, sys->sprint(".p dirty %d %d %d %d", brdr.min.x, brdr.min.y, brdr.max.x, brdr.max.y));
tk->cmd(mainwin, "update");
log(s: string)
sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\n", s);
fatal(s: string)
kill(pid: int): int
fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE);
if(fd == nil)
return -1;
if(sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4) != 4)
return -1;
return 0;
cmd(top: ref Toplevel, s: string): string
e := tk->cmd(top, s);
if (e != nil && e[0] == '!')
sys->fprint(stderr, "reversi: tk error on '%s': %s\n", s, e);
return e;
fittoscreen(win: ref Tk->Toplevel)
Point: import draw;
if (display.image == nil)
r := display.image.r;
scrsize := Point(r.dx(), r.dy());
bd := int cmd(win, ". cget -bd");
winsize := Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd * 2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd * 2);
if (winsize.x > scrsize.x)
cmd(win, ". configure -width " + string (scrsize.x - bd * 2));
if (winsize.y > scrsize.y)
cmd(win, ". configure -height " + string (scrsize.y - bd * 2));
actr: Rect;
actr.min = Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ". cget -acty"));
actr.max = actr.min.add((int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd*2,
int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd*2));
(dx, dy) := (actr.dx(), actr.dy());
if (actr.max.x > r.max.x)
(actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.max.x - dx, r.max.x);
if (actr.max.y > r.max.y)
(actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.max.y - dy, r.max.y);
if (actr.min.x < r.min.x)
(actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.min.x, r.min.x + dx);
if (actr.min.y < r.min.y)
(actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.min.y, r.min.y + dy);
cmd(win, ". configure -x " + string actr.min.x + " -y " + string actr.min.y);
cmd(win, "update");
win_config := array[] of {
"frame .f",
"button .f.resetzoom -text {reset zoom} -command {send cmd resetzoom}",
"menubutton .f.bk -text Black -menu",
"menubutton .f.wk -text White -menu .f.wk.wm",
" add command -label Human -command { send cmd bh }",
" add command -label Machine -command { send cmd bm }",
"menu .f.wk.wm",
".f.wk.wm add command -label Human -command { send cmd wh }",
".f.wk.wm add command -label Machine -command { send cmd wm }",
"pack .f.bk -side left",
"pack .f.wk -side right",
"pack .f.resetzoom -side top",
"frame .f0",
"label -text {Black level}",
"label .f0.wl -text {White level}",
"entry -width 32",
"entry .f0.we -width 32",
" insert 0 " + string SKILLB,
".f0.we insert 0 " + string SKILLW,
"pack -side left",
"pack -side left",
"pack .f0.wl -side right",
"pack .f0.we -side right",
"frame .f1",
"label .f1.txt -text { } -width " + string WIDTH,
"pack .f1.txt -side top -fill x",
"panel .p -width " + string WIDTH + " -height " + string HEIGHT,
"pack .f -side top -fill x",
"pack .f0 -side top -fill x",
"pack .f1 -side top -fill x",
"pack .p -side bottom -fill both -expand 1",
"pack propagate . 0",
"bind .p <Button-1> {send cmd b1 %x %y}",
"bind .p <Motion-Button-1> {send cmd sweep1 %x %y}",
"bind .p <ButtonRelease-1> {send cmd release1 %x %y}",
"bind <Key-\n> {send cmd blev}",
"bind .f0.we <Key-\n> {send cmd wlev}",