# convenience library for o/mero applications
Panels: module {
PATH: con "/dis/o/panel.dis";
Panel: adt {
id: int;
name: string;
path: string;
cfd: ref Sys->FD;
dfd: ref Sys->FD;
rpid: int;
init: fn(name: string): ref Panel;
eventc: fn(p: self ref Panel): chan of list of string;
new: fn(p: self ref Panel, name: string, id: int): ref Panel;
ctl: fn(p: self ref Panel, ctl: string): int;
close: fn(p: self ref Panel);
init: fn();
screens: fn(): list of string;
cols: fn(scr: string): list of string;
copy: fn(dfd, sfs: ref Sys->FD): int;
omero: string;