Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/octopus/port/lib/tblks.b

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# Text blocks owptext.b

implement Tblks;
include "sys.m";
	sys: Sys;
	fprint, fildes: import sys;
include "string.m";
	str: String;
	prefix: import str;
include "error.m";
	err: Error;
	checkload, stderr, panic, kill, error: import err;
include "tblks.m";

debug := 0;

init(sysm: Sys, strm: String, e: Error, dbg: int)
	sys = sysm;
	str = strm;
	err = e;
	debug = dbg;

Str.findr(s: self ref Str, pos: int, c: int, lim: int): int
	for (i := pos; i >= 0 && i < len s.s; i--)
		if (s.s[i] == c || --lim == 0)
			return i;
	return -1;

Str.find(s: self ref Str, pos: int, c:int, lim: int): int
	for(; pos < len s.s; pos++){
		if (s.s[pos] == c || --lim == 0)
			return pos;
	return -1;

fixpos(pos: int, n: int): int
	if (pos < 0)
		return 0;
	else if (pos > n)
		return n;
		return pos;

fixposins(pos, inspos, n: int): int
	if (inspos < pos)
		pos += n;
	return pos;

fixposdel(pos, delpos, n: int): int
	if (delpos < pos){
		if (delpos + n > pos)
			n = pos - delpos;
		pos -= n;
	return pos;

Blks.blen(blks: self ref Blks): int
	l := 0;
	for (i := 0; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++)
		l += len blks.b[i].s;
	return l;
} string): ref Blks
	b0 := ref Str(s);
	return ref Blks(array[] of { b0 });

Blks.pack(blks: self ref Blks): ref Str
	for(i := 1; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++){
		blks.b[0].s += blks.b[i].s;
		blks.b[i] = nil;
	return blks.b[0];
} self ref Blks, off: int): (int, int)
	for(i := 0; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++){
		nr := len blks.b[i].s;
		if (nr == 0)
		if (off <= nr)
		off -= nr;
	return (i, off);

Blks.getc(blks: self ref Blks, pos: int): int
	for(i:= 0; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++){
		if (pos < len blks.b[i].s)
			return blks.b[i].s[pos];
		pos -= len blks.b[i].s;
	return -1;

Blks.gets(blks: self ref Blks, pos: int, nr: int): string
	s := blks.pack();
	if (pos > len s.s)
		pos = len s.s;
	if (pos + nr > len s.s)
		nr = len s.s - pos;
	if (nr == 0)
		return "";
		return s.s[pos:pos+nr];

Blks.ins(blks: self ref Blks, t: string, pos: int)
	if (debug)
		fprint(stderr, "Blks.ins: '%s' %d\n", dtxt(t), pos);
	s: ref Str;
	nr := 0;
	for(i := 0; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++){
		s = blks.b[i];
		nr = len s.s;
		if (pos <= nr)
		if (nr == 0)
		pos -= nr;
	if (pos == nr && len t == 1)
		s.s[pos] = t[0];
	else {
		ns := ref Str(t);
		ns2 := ref Str(blks.b[i].s[pos:]);
		blks.b[i].s = blks.b[i].s[0:pos];
		nb := array[len blks.b + 2] of ref Str;
		nb[0:] = blks.b[0:i];
		nb[i] = blks.b[i];
		nb[i+1] = ns;
		nb[i+2] = ns2;
		if (i + 1 < len blks.b)
			nb[i+3:] = blks.b[i+1:];
		blks.b = nb;

Blks.del(blks: self ref Blks, n: int, pos: int): string
	if (n <= 0)
		return "";
	s: ref Str;
	nr: int;
	for(i := 0; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++){
		s = blks.b[i];
		nr = len s.s;
		if (nr == 0)
		if (pos <= nr)
		pos -= nr;
	t := "";
	while(i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil && n > 0) {
		s = blks.b[i];
		nr = len s.s;
		edel := pos + n;
		if (edel > nr)
			edel = nr;
		ndel := edel - pos;
		if (ndel > 0)
			t += s.s[pos:edel];
		if (nr - edel > 0)
			s.s = s.s[0:pos] + s.s[edel:];
			s.s = s.s[0:pos];
		n -= ndel;
		pos = 0;
	return t;

strchr(s : string, c : int) : int
	for (i := 0; i < len s; i++)
		if (s[i] == c)
			return i;
	return -1;

strstr(s1, s2: string): int
	for (i := 0; i < len s1; i++)
		if (prefix(s2, s1[i:]))
			return i;
	return -1;

dtxt(s: string): string
	if (len s> 35)
		s = s[0:15] + " ... " + s[len s - 15:];
	ns := "";
	for (i := 0; i < len s; i++)
		if (s[i] == '\n')
			ns += "\\n";
			ns[len ns] = s[i];
	return ns;

Blks.dump(blks: self ref Blks)
	if (blks == nil || blks.b == nil)
	fprint(stderr, "%d blks\n", len blks.b);
	for (i := 0; i < len blks.b && blks.b[i] != nil; i++)
		fprint(stderr, "\tblk[%d]: %d '%s'\n", i, len blks.b[i].s, dtxt(blks.b[i].s));

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