# Makefile for texmf/doc/metapost:
# ================================
MP = mp
#DVIPS = dvips -Pold
DVIPS = dvips -Pold -D300
LATEX = latex
BIBTEX = bibtex
TROFF = troff -Tpost -ms -mpictures | dpost
GROFF = groff -Tps -mgs
manfig.0 manfig.2 manfig.3 manfig.104 manfig.204 manfig.5 \
manfig.6 manfig.7 manfig.8 manfig.109 manfig.209 manfig.110 \
manfig.210 manfig.310 manfig.111 manfig.211 manfig.311 manfig.411 \
manfig.13 manfig.14 manfig.17 manfig.18 manfig.19 manfig.20 \
manfig.21 manfig.22 manfig.123 manfig.223 manfig.24 manfig.25 \
manfig.26 manfig.28 manfig.29 manfig.30 manfig.31 manfig.32 \
manfig.33 manfig.34 manfig.35 manfig.36 manfig.37 manfig.38 \
manfig.40 manfig.42 manfig.45 manfig.48 manfig.49 manfig.50 \
manfig.51 manfig.52
mpgraph.1 mpgraph.2 mpgraph.3 mpgraph.4 mpgraph.5 mpgraph.6 \
mpgraph.7 mpgraph.8 mpgraph.9 mpgraph.10 mpgraph.11
agepop91.d agepopm.d countries.d energy.d lead.d matmul.d timepop.d
examples.1 examples.2 examples.3 examples.4 examples.5 examples.6 \
examples.7 examples.8 examples.9
default: all
all: mpman.ps mpgraph.ps
### MetaPost manuals
mpman.ps: mpman.dvi $(MPMAN_FIGS)
@echo "WARNING: mpman.dvi was build using the obsolete font rpsyr."
@echo "You can safely ignore one warning about a checksum mismatch."
$(DVIPS) mpman.dvi -o mpman.ps
mpgraph.ps: mpgraph.dvi $(MPGRAPH_FIGS)
@echo "WARNING: mpgraph.dvi was build using the obsolete versions of"
@echo "the fonts logo10 logo8 logosl10. You can safely ignore dvips's"
@echo "checksum warnings for these fonts."
$(DVIPS) mpgraph.dvi -o mpgraph.ps
$(MPMAN_FIGS): manfig.mp
$(MP) manfig.mp
$(MP) mpgraph.mp
### LaTeX example
$(EXAMPLE_FIGS): examples.mp
$(MP) examples.mp
### troff and/or groff example
grdemo.ps: grdemo.ms figs.1
cat grdemo.ms | $(GROFF) > grdemo.ps
demo.ps: demo.ms figs.1 /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.pictures
cat demo.ms | $(TROFF) > demo.ps
figs.1: figs.mp
test -d /usr/lib/font/devpost || $(MAKE) /usr/lib/font/devpost
test -d /usr/lib/font/devpost && $(MP) -T figs.mp
@echo "WARNING: You don't seem to have the troff \`mpictures' macros"
@echo "which are needed to typeset the \`demo.ps' example document."
@echo "If your troff implementation doesn't provide these macros"
@echo "you're out of luck, I'm afraid. Sorry, I can't help you!"
@echo "Perhaps you may want to try \`grdemo.ps' as an alternative"
@echo "if you have GNU groff installed on your system?"
@echo "WARNING: You don't seem to have a suitable troff implementation"
@echo "on your system that matches the assumptions built into the"
@echo "MetaPost support programs. To run MetaPost in troff mode"
@echo "you'll probably need a troff implementation from Bell Labs."
@echo "Using GNU groff as an alternative won't work, I'm afraid."
### pattern rules
$(DVIPS) $< -o $@
### cleanup targets
rm -f *.mpx *.log *.aux mpxerr*
distclean: clean
rm -f mpman.ps mpgraph.ps
.PHONY: clean
.SUFFIXES: .dvi .ps