Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/extra/changes/2006/0312

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acme(4): correct description of addr file
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 10392 Mar 12 09:14 sys/man/4/acme
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/man/4/acme:147,164 - 
	  When read, it returns the value of the address that would next be read
	  or written through the
	  .B data
	- file, in the format
	- .BI # m ,# n
	- where
	+ file, formatted as 2 decimal numbers
	  .I m
	- .I n
	- are character (not byte) offsets.  If
	- .I m
	+ .IR n ,
	+ each formatted in 11 characters plus a blank.
	+ .I M
	  .I n
	- are identical, the format is just
	- .BI # m\f1.
	+ are the character (not byte) offsets of the
	+ beginning and end of the address, 
	+ which would be expressed in
	+ .I acme 's
	+ input language as 
	+ .BI # m ,# n \fR.
	  Thus a regular expression may be evaluated by writing it to
	  .B addr
	  and reading it back.

rc: avoid single-byte overflow in lexer
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 6102 Mar 12 09:15 sys/src/cmd/rc/lex.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/lex.c:149,155 - 
	  		return 0;
	- 	if(p==&tok[NTOK]){
	+ 	if(p==&tok[NTOK-1]){
	  		*p = 0;
	  		yyerror("token buffer too short");
	  		return 0;

tar: set mtime and gid independently
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 24068 Mar 12 09:15 sys/src/cmd/tar.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/tar.c:1027,1035 - 
	  			nd.mtime = mtime;
	- 			if (isustar(hp))
	- 				nd.gid = hp->gname;
	  			dirfwstat(fd, &nd);
	+ 			if (isustar(hp)) {
	+ 				nulldir(&nd);
	+ 				nd.gid = hp->gname;
	+ 				dirfwstat(fd, &nd);
	+ 			}

spin(1): import 4.2.5 man page
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 7246 Mar 12 10:27 sys/man/1/spin
	[diffs elided - too long]
	[diff -c /n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/man/1/spin /n/sourcesdump/2006/0313/plan9/sys/man/1/spin]

drawterm: add audio device on Linux, FreeBSD
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 40 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/Make.config
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/Make.config:1 - 
	+ AUDIO=none
	  include $(ROOT)/Make.$(CONF)
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 453 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/Make.unix
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/Make.unix:13,18 - 
	  LDADD=-L$(X11)/lib -lX11 -ggdb
	+ # AUDIO=none
	+ AUDIO=unix
	  all: default
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 608 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/Makefile
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/Makefile:8,13 - 
	+ 	devaudio.$O\
	+ 	devaudio-$(AUDIO).$O\
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 471 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devaudio-none.c
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 3064 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devaudio-unix.c
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 6144 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devaudio.c
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 328 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devaudio.h
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 509 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devtab.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devtab.c:14,19 - 
	  extern Dev fsdevtab;
	  extern Dev mntdevtab;
	  extern Dev lfddevtab;
	+ extern Dev audiodevtab;
	  Dev *devtab[] = {
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/kern/devtab.c:26,31 - 
	+ 	&audiodevtab,
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc drawterm 2443 Mar 12 10:31 sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/main.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/unix/drawterm/main.c:56,61 - 
	  		panic("bind #I: %r");
	  	if(bind("#U", "/", MAFTER) < 0)
	  		panic("bind #U: %r");
	+ 	bind("#A", "/dev", MAFTER);
	  	if(open("/dev/cons", OREAD) != 0)
	  		panic("open0: %r");

vgadb: add dell2001fp
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 28931 Mar 12 10:32 lib/vgadb
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/lib/vgadb:616,621 - 
	  	shb=1664 ehb=1864 ht=2136
	  	vrs=1202 vre=1207 vt=1251
	+ #
	+ # Dell 2001FP at 1600x1200 with geforce2 DVI card
	+ #
	+ dell2001fp
	+ 	videobw=162
	+ 	alias=multisync
	+ dell2001fp=1600x1200
	+ 	defaultclock=162
	+ 	shb=1624 ehb=1976 ht=2160
	+ 	vrs=1201 vre=1204 vt=1250
	  # EIZO (Nanao) FlexScan 6600 (greyscale)

/sys/lib/dist/pc/plan9.ini: the official default
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 236 Mar 12 10:32 sys/lib/dist/pc/plan9.ini
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/lib/dist/pc/plan9.ini:1,10 - 
	+ *nomp=1
	+ distname=plan9
	+ nobootprompt=local!/boot/bzroot
	+ *nodumpstack=1
	+ partition=new
	+ mouseport=ask
	+ monitor=ask
	+ vgasize=ask
	+ dmamode=ask
	+ # serial console on COM1
	+ #console=0
	+ # disable ether and usb probing
	+ #*nousbprobe=1
	+ #*noetherprobe=1

cc: remove

httpd: add clf log file, hidden rewrites
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 11356 Mar 12 10:43 sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/httpd.c
	[diffs elided - too long]
	[diff -c /n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/httpd.c /n/sourcesdump/2006/0313/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/httpd.c]
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 1388 Mar 12 10:43 sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/httpsrv.h
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/httpsrv.h:11,17 - 
	  	char		*remoteserv;
	- extern	int		logall[2];
	+ extern	int		logall[3];
	  extern	char*		HTTPLOG;
	  extern	char*		webroot;
	  extern	char*		netdir;
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 3055 Mar 12 10:43 sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/log.c
	[diffs elided - too long]
	[diff -c /n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/log.c /n/sourcesdump/2006/0313/plan9/sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/log.c]
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 2561 Mar 12 12:10 dist/replica/plan9.proto
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/dist/replica/plan9.proto:140,146 - 
	  		*	a666 sys sys 
	  		timesync.d	d775 sys sys
	  		httpd	- sys sys
	- 			*	666 sys sys
	+ 			*	a666 sys sys
	  	man	- sys sys
	  		+	- sys sys
	  	src	- sys sys
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 0 Mar 12 10:39 sys/log/httpd/clf
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 rsc sys 2561 Mar 12 12:10 dist/replica/plan9.proto

kernel: remove various wrong code
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 22993 Mar 12 10:33 sys/src/9/port/devcons.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/9/port/devcons.c:397,403 - 
	  echo(char *buf, int n)
	  	static int ctrlt, pid;
	- 	extern ulong etext;
	  	int x;
	  	char *e, *p;
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 presotto sys 19576 Mar 12 10:33 sys/src/9/ppc/etherfcc.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/9/ppc/etherfcc.c:684,690 - 
	  		return -1;
	- 	if(!(ether->port >= 0 && ether->port < 3)){
	+ 	if(ether->port > 3){
	  		print("%s ether: no FCC port %ld\n", ether->type, ether->port);
	  		return -1;

upas/smtp: recognize \n (not just \r\n) as end-of-line.  perhaps a mistake.
 [rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 467740 glenda sys 20134 Mar 12 13:13 sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/smtp.c
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/smtp.c:740,745 - 
	  	reply = s_reset(reply);
	  		line = getcrnl(reply);
	+ 		if(debug)
	+ 			Bflush(&berr);
	  		if(line == 0)
	  			return -1;
	  		if(!isdigit(line[0]) || !isdigit(line[1]) || !isdigit(line[2]))
	/n/sourcesdump/2006/0312/plan9/sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/smtp.c:985,990 - 
	  		case '\r':
	  			c = Bgetc(&bin);
	  			if(c == '\n'){
	+ 		case '\n':
	  				s_putc(s, c);
	  					Bputc(&berr, c);

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