% Copyright (C) 1992, 1997, 1998, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% For more information about licensing, please refer to
% http://www.ghostscript.com/licensing/. For information on
% commercial licensing, go to http://www.artifex.com/licensing/ or
% contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
% San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.
% $Id: type1ops.ps,v 1.4 2002/02/21 21:49:28 giles Exp $
% type1ops.ps
% Define the Type 1 and Type 2 font opcodes for use by Ghostscript utilities.
% Define the default value of lenIV.
% Note that this expects the current font to be on the dictionary stack.
/lenIV { FontType 2 eq { -1 } { 4 } ifelse } def
% ---------------- Encoding ---------------- %
/Type1encode 70 dict
% Data types
dup /nulltype {
pop ()
} put
dup /nametype {
Type1encode exch get
} put
dup /stringtype {
} put
dup /integertype {
dup dup -107 ge exch 107 le and {
139 add (x) dup 0 4 -1 roll put
} {
dup dup -1131 ge exch 1131 le and {
dup 0 ge { 16#f694 } { neg 16#fa94 } ifelse add
(xx) dup dup 0 4 index -8 bitshift put
1 4 -1 roll 255 and put
} {
(\377xxxx) 1 1 4 {
dup 8 mul 32 sub 3 index exch bitshift 255 and
2 index 3 1 roll put
} for exch pop
} ifelse
} ifelse
} put
% Operators
% Identical or similar in Type 1 and Type 2.
/c_hstem 1 def dup /hstem <01> put
/c_vstem 3 def dup /vstem <03> put
/c_vmoveto 4 def dup /vmoveto <04> put
/c_rlineto 5 def dup /rlineto <05> put
/c_hlineto 6 def dup /hlineto <06> put
/c_vlineto 7 def dup /vlineto <07> put
/c_rrcurveto 8 def dup /rrcurveto <08> put
/c_callsubr 10 def /s_callsubr <0a> def dup /callsubr s_callsubr put
/c_return 11 def dup /return <0b> put
/c_escape 12 def
/ce_div 12 def /s_div <0c0c> def dup /div s_div put
/c_endchar 14 def /s_endchar <0e> def dup /endchar s_endchar put
/c_rmoveto 21 def dup /rmoveto <15> put
/c_hmoveto 22 def dup /hmoveto <16> put
/c_vhcurveto 30 def dup /vhcurveto <1e> put
/c_hvcurveto 31 def dup /hvcurveto <1f> put
% Only in Type 1.
/c_closepath 9 def dup /closepath <09> put
/c_hsbw 13 def /s_hsbw <0d> def dup /hsbw s_hsbw put
/ce_dotsection 0 def /s_dotsection <0c06> def dup /dotsection s_dotsection put
/ce_vstem3 1 def /s_vstem3 <0c01> def dup /vstem3 s_vstem3 put
/ce_hstem3 2 def /s_hstem3 <0c02> def dup /hstem3 s_hstem3 put
/ce_seac 6 def /s_seac <0c06> def dup /seac s_seac put
/ce_sbw 7 def /s_sbw <0c07> def dup /sbw s_sbw put
/ce_callothersubr 16 def /s_callothersubr <0c10> def dup /callothersubr s_callothersubr put
/ce_pop 17 def /s_pop <0c11> def dup /pop s_pop put
/ce_setcurrentpoint 33 def /s_setcurrentpoint <0c21> def dup /setcurrentpoint s_setcurrentpoint put
/s_setcurrentpoint_hmoveto s_setcurrentpoint <8b16> concatstrings def
% Only in Type 2.
dup /blend <10> put
dup /hstemhm <12> put
dup /hintmask <13> put
dup /cntrmask <14> put
dup /vstemhm <17> put
dup /rcurveline <18> put
dup /rlinecurve <19> put
dup /vvcurveto <1a> put
dup /hhcurveto <1b> put
dup /callgsubr <1d> put
dup /and <0c03> put
dup /or <0c04> put
dup /not <0c05> put
dup /store <0c08> put
dup /abs <0c09> put
dup /add <0c0a> put
dup /sub <0c0b> put
dup /load <0c0d> put
dup /neg <0c0c> put
dup /eq <0c0f> put
dup /drop <0c12> put
dup /put <0c14> put
dup /get <0c15> put
dup /ifelse <0c16> put
dup /random <0c17> put
dup /mul <0c18> put
dup /sqrt <0c1a> put
dup /dup <0c1b> put
dup /exch <0c1c> put
dup /index <0c1d> put
dup /roll <0c1e> put
dup /hflex <0c22> put
dup /flex <0c23> put
dup /hflex1 <0c24> put
dup /flex1 <0c25> put
readonly def
% ---------------- Decoding ---------------- %
/Type1decode 512 array
Type1encode {
dup type /stringtype eq {
dup length 1 eq { 0 get } { 1 get 256 add } ifelse
% stack: array key code
exch 2 index 3 1 roll put
} {
pop pop
} ifelse
} forall
dup 12 {
dup read pop dup Type1decode exch 256 add get dup null ne
{ exch pop }
{ pop 2 string dup 0 12 put dup 1 4 -1 roll put }
} put
dup 28 { % Type 2 only
dup read pop 128 xor 128 sub 8 bitshift
1 index read pop add
} put
32 1 246 { 2 copy dup 139 sub put pop } for
dup 247 { dup read pop 108 add } put
dup 248 { dup read pop 364 add } put
dup 249 { dup read pop 620 add } put
dup 250 { dup read pop 876 add } put
dup 251 { dup read pop 108 add neg } put
dup 252 { dup read pop 364 add neg } put
dup 253 { dup read pop 620 add neg } put
dup 254 { dup read pop 876 add neg } put
dup 255 { % Different for Type 1 and Type 2
dup read pop 128 xor 128 sub
3 { 8 bitshift 1 index read pop add } repeat
FontType 2 eq { 65536.0 div } if
} put
readonly def
% ---------------- Procedures ---------------- %
% For these utilities, a CharString is represented by a sequence of
% integers, reals, strings, and names, either in an array or on the stack.
% Integers and reals represent themselves; strings are other data that
% appears in the CharString; names are CharString operator names.
% A CharString in an array is called a "charproc"; a CharString on
% the stack is called a "charstack", and is delimited by a mark.
% Individual elements are called "chartokens".
% ------ Encoding ------ %
% Get the string for a chartoken.
% Note that this string may be overwritten by the next call.
/chartoken_string { % <chartoken> chartoken_string <string>
dup type Type1encode exch get exec
} bind def
% Compute the length of a CharString.
/chartoken_length { % <chartoken> chartoken_length <length>
chartoken_string length
} bind def
/charproc_length { % <charproc> charproc_length <length>
0 exch { chartoken_length add } forall
} bind def
/charstack_length { % <charstack> charstack_length <charstack> <length>
counttomark 0 exch -1 1 { index chartoken_length add } for
} bind def
% Write a CharString to a file. Normally this will be a NullEncode filter
% writing on a string of the correct length.
/chartoken_write { % <file> <chartoken> chartoken_write -
chartoken_string writestring
} bind def
/charproc_write { % <file> <charproc> charproc_write -
{ 1 index exch chartoken_write } forall pop
} bind def
% Note that the arguments of charstack_write are backwards.
/charstack_write { % <charstack> <file> charstack_write -
counttomark 1 sub -1 1 { index 1 index exch chartoken_write } for
} bind def
% Convert a charproc or charstack to an *un*encrypted CharString.
/charproc_string { % <charproc> charproc_string <string>
mark exch aload pop charstack_string
} bind def
/charstack_string { % <charstack> charstack_string <string>
charstack_length lenIV 0 gt {
lenIV add string
dup dup length lenIV sub lenIV exch getinterval % skip lenIV
} {
} ifelse
/NullEncode filter
exch 1 index counttomark 1 add 2 roll
charstack_write closefile
% lenIV 0 ge { 4330 exch dup .type1encrypt exch pop readonly } if
} bind def
% ------ Decoding ------ %
% Decode a CharString (unencrypted).
/charstack_read { % <file> charstack_read <no-mark-charstack>
{ dup read not { pop exit } if
Type1decode 1 index get dup null eq {
pop 1 string dup 0 4 -1 roll put
} {
exch pop exec
} ifelse exch
} loop
} bind def