TEXT strcpy(SB), $0
MOVW R7, 0(FP)
MOVW s1+0(FP), R9 /* R9 is to pointer */
MOVW s2+4(FP), R10 /* R10 is from pointer */
* test if both pointers
* are similarly word aligned
XOR R9,R10, R7
ANDCC $3,R7, R0
BNE una
* make byte masks
MOVW $0xff, R17
SLL $8,R17, R16
SLL $16,R17, R13
SLL $24,R17, R12
* byte at a time to word align
ANDCC $3,R10, R0
BE al2
MOVB (R10), R11
ADD $1, R10
MOVB R11, (R9)
ADD $1, R9
SUBCC R0,R11, R0
BNE al1
JMP out
* word at a time
ADD $4, R9
MOVW (R10), R11 /* fetch */
ADD $4, R10
ANDCC R12,R11, R0 /* is it byte 0 */
BE b0
ANDCC R13,R11, R0 /* is it byte 1 */
BE b1
ANDCC R16,R11, R0 /* is it byte 2 */
BE b2
MOVW R11, -4(R9) /* store */
ANDCC R17,R11, R0 /* is it byte 3 */
BNE al2
JMP out
MOVB R0, -4(R9)
JMP out
SRL $24, R11
MOVB R11, -4(R9)
MOVB R0, -3(R9)
JMP out
SRL $24,R11, R7
MOVB R7, -4(R9)
SRL $16, R11
MOVB R11, -3(R9)
MOVB R0, -2(R9)
JMP out
MOVB (R10), R11
ADD $1, R10
MOVB R11, (R9)
ADD $1, R9
SUBCC R0,R11, R0
BNE una
MOVW s1+0(FP),R7